Archivo de la categoría: anatomia de la alegra

anatomia alegria


Anatomia  de la  Alegria


Los componentes de la alegria son: la significación, la ausencia de emociones negativas, y el placer físico.

En sentido sencillo no es único, no es un estado  de la mente, sus  componentes son: la  significación, la ausencia  de emociones  negativas, el placer físico.

El placer resulta de un torrente de dopamina que se vierte en el sistema de recompensa, puede venir por una simple excitación sensorial, o sensual, ó sexual.

Por por una vía mucho más compleja, la presencia de una persona querida, por ejemplo, su duración es mientras fluyen los neurotransmisores, la ausencia de las emociones negativas es esencial para la felicidad.

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Cuando entran las emociones negativas, van acompañadas de miedo intenso, enfado, tristeza, y reducen el placer. A nivel del cerebro, la amígdala en el cerebro es la responsable de generar las emociones negativas.

De tal forma que para evitar que inunden el cerebro, esta parte del sistema limbico debe estar en calma, por ejemplo, una fuerte concentración en tareas mentales exentas de emoción, inhibe a la amígdala esto nos llevaría a cuando decimos que estar ocupados es la fuente de la felicidad.


Pero el placer y la ausencia de las penas, todavía no bastan para generar una sensación de bienestar total. Por eso es necesario la actividad en el área ventromedial de la corteza prefrontal.

Esta área paraliza la depresión, la corteza ventromedial, genera una sensación de coherencia, sin la cual el mundo parece no tener sentido, y nos parece frecuente.

La historia del hemisferio derecho parece más sensible a las emociones negativas, mientras la actividad elevada en el hemisferio izquierdo se asocia con la felicidad.

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palabras claves: neurotransmisores, felicidad, emociones negativas, alegria, emociones, placer fisico, dopamina, bienestar.


The components of the happiness are: the significance, the absence of negative emotions, and the physical pleasure.In simple sense it is not only, is not a condition of the mind, his components are: the significance, the absence of negative emotions, and the physical pleasure.

The pleasure ensues from a torrent of dopamine that is spilt in the system of reward, can come for a simple sensory or sensual, or sexual excitation. Or for a much more complex route, the presence of a dear person, for example, his duration is while the neurotransmitters flow, the absence of the negative emotions is essential for the happiness. When they enter the negative emotions, they are accompanied of intense fear, anger, sadness, and reduce the pleasure.

To level of the brain, the tonsil in the brain is the person in charge of generating the negative emotions, in such a way that to prevent them from flooding the brain, this part of the system limbic must be in calmness, for example, a strong concentration in mental tasks exempt from emotion, disables to the tonsil this it would take us to when we say that to be occupied is the source of the happiness.

But the pleasure and the absence of sorrow, still they are not enough to generate a sensation of total well-being. Because of it the activity is necessary in the area ventromedial of the bark prefrontal.

This area paralyzes the depression, the bark ventromedial, generates a coherence sensation without which the world seems not to make sense, and seems to us to be frequent.

The excess of activity in this area associates with the obsession Or for a much more complex route, the presence of a dear person, for example, his duration is while the neurotransmitters flow, the absence of the negative emotions is essential for the happiness.

When they enter the negative emotions, they are accompanied of intense fear, anger, sadness, and reduce the pleasure.

To level of the brain, the tonsil in the brain is the person in charge of generating the negative emotions, in such a way that to prevent them from flooding the brain, this part of the system limbic must be in calmness, for example, a strong concentration in mental tasks exempt from emotion, disables to the tonsil this it would take us to when we say that to be occupied is the source of the happiness.

But the pleasure and the absence of sorrow, still they are not enough to generate a sensation of total well-being.

Because of it the activity is necessary in the area ventromedial of the bark prefrontal. This area paralyzes the depression, the bark ventromedial, generates a coherence sensation without which the world seems not to make sense, and seems to us to be frequent.

The excess of activity in this area associates with the obsession the history of the right hemisphere seems to be more sensitive to the negative emotions, while the activity raised in the left hemisphere associates with the happiness.